
Joey Sack, caricature

Sack, Animated

In the beginning, Sack, Animated was a blog dedicated to animated films and television shows of all genres. However, I have since decided to expand my focus to include all forms of entertainment that I want to talk about. When you Google the name of this blog, you probably saw GIFs of animated sacks of flour (Not what you expected, huh? Not what I expected either…). Look to this blog for thoughtful discussion and celebration of various entertainment mediums, from animated classics like The Lion King to new offerings like the latest slew of Star Wars films to upcoming video games in longstanding franchises like Assassin’s Creed. Even though my net has now expanded from animation to all entertainment, this is still gonna be fun. Welcome to my blog: Sack, Animated!

About me

My name is Joey Sack. I love entertainment; movies, television, video games, animated, live action, and so forth. If the purpose is to entertain, chances are I will find some way to enjoy it. My favorite movie is and always will be The Lion King, and my favorite television show is Avatar: The Last Airbender (with its sequel series, The Legend of Korra, coming in at a close second). As you can imagine, I have a certain bone to pick with a certain filmmaker for a certain live-action remake of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I digress. Despite my love of animated movies and TV shows, I also enjoy live-action films like Star Wars, the recent reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise, and my favorite movie of 2016, Arrival. I have quite a few opinions regarding films, TV, and video games, and I know you have opinions as well. Let’s discuss them.