It’s been awhile, hasn’t it, folks? A lot has happened between my review of the season three finale of Star Wars Rebels and now. Most notably, I graduated from college. That’s one of the reasons why I haven’t posted on here lately, but the other is that I have been working to reassess what I want Sack, Animated to be. I still love animation, and I always will, but I don’t want to limit myself so much that I can’t write about other things I’m interested in. And if Sack, Animated remains a site dedicated entirely to reviewing animated films and TV shows, I will be doing just that.
That is why, as of today, Sack, Animated will now be a blog on which I write about all aspects of entertainment that interest me. Movies, video games, and television shows of all genres will be written about here. There will be reviews; there will be editorials; there will be random thoughts and musings; there will be more of what you’ve seen on this site, extended out to all entertainment. I will, of course, still review animated movies and TV shows as they come along, but this is just a way for me to expand into other genres and mediums.
Be sure to check back in for new articles, reviews, and editorials on the new and improved Sack, Animated!